réactions tombées dans les colonnes de HC suite à l'annonce d'une éventuelle candidature de l'artiste Wiclef Jean à la présidence d'Haiti

File Picture Voici en bas certaines réactions tombées dans les colonnes de HC suite à l'annonce d'une éventuelle candidature de l'artiste Wiclef Jean à la présidence d'Haiti: _______________________________________________________ Re: [HaitiConnexion] Report: Wyclef Jean may run for Haitian presidency · I think we should grab that chance to rebuild our country that is lost for decades. Because, this guy who already knew what million means, at least will come up with good ideas and knows how to manage money. We need someone who loves beauty and knows how to make things look good, the good things that can make Haiti looks like all ordinary countries. He's already a celebrity and a successful guy, he will not have to be a president to get celebrity and power but, for advancement and achievement. The entire world will see by then, we still have a some "Real Men" among us. May God bless him. Marie Dumas Re: [HaitiConnexion] Report: Wyclef Jean ...