Opinion | Haiti’s Forgotten Asset: Its Diaspora

Google Translater for Website Click on the dropdown button to translate. Translate this page: You can translate the content of this page by selecting a language in the select box. Vous pouver traduire cet article dans la langue de votre choix dans la case de selection From NFL players to college presidents to think-tank heads, influential Haitians living abroad could be a powerful voice for reform. Tennis star Naomi Osaka holds the Olympic torch during the opening ceremony of the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, July 23, 2021. Osaka was born to a Haitian father and a Japanese mother. | AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko Joel Dreyfuss is a founder of the National Association of Black Journalists and a former Global Opinions columnist for the Washington Post. He is writing a book about his family's 300-year involvement with Haiti. Source: Politico When Naomi Osaka lit the Olympic torch at opening ceremonies for Tokyo 2020, thousands of Haitians swelled wi...