Wyclef's Presidency Bid

Wyclef's presidency bid
Par Hebert Logerie

Brothers and Sisters,
Please give W.J. a chance. Do not understimate his abilities.
I hate to put it like that: Didn't we have a teenager as President for life? We had so many others... let me stop right there. I understand your concerns and anxieties; your love for W.J. and for Haiti. We should stop what we are doing. Let's wait and see. Let's test the man. Please give him a chance.
He had nothing at one point, right now he is doing better than all of us. It is true that he is the microphone. I am not being sarcastic, W.J. is our M.J.(Michael Jackson).
We can write, articulate and maybe think better than W.J.;
but he is still doing better than all of us.
Let the others declare their candidacies and let see if they are going to be on CNN. Nobody will hear about them because they will be CaNoNo.
Wyclef is brave, gutsy and dedicated. Please be patient, wait and see and give him a chance.
Please enjoy my poems.

P.S. We all LOVE Haiti.


Notre Amour pour Haïti…

Notre amour pour Haïti

Est sans doute inconditionnel.

Notre amour pour ce pays chéri

Est naturellement émotionnel.


(Pour plus d’un quart de siècle,

Les autres ont massacré toutes les couches

De ce pays jadis nommé ‘Perle des Antilles’.

Pendant quelques décennies,

Les incompétents et les fratricides,

Les opposants et les exilés

Ont aussi malheureusement dégorgé

Ce petit coin sacré.)

Jusqu’à pareille heure, pas d’amélioration ;

Vol, pauvreté, corruption,

Kidnappings, la mort, la peur,

Le mensonge, la misère et la terreur.

Non, nos Ancêtres ne se sont pas vainement battus

Pour cet inimaginable enfer

Oh ! Que j’aimerais les dénoncer jusqu’à tomber des nues.

Dieu dans ton sommeil d’éther,

Notre peuple est toujours à la recherche d’un bon Frère,

Pour gouverner le pays avec zèle, amour et dévouement,

Pas comme les maraudeurs, les sicaires

Qui ont mal vendu l’âme de nos paysans.

Nous sommes très mécontents

De voir classer Haïti parmi les plus pauvres des Nations.

Notre peuple doit vivre dans des meilleures conditions.

Notre amour pour Haïti

Est naturel et éternel.

Notre amour pour Haïti

Demeure inconditionnel.

Copyright© Janvier 2010, Hebert Logerie, Tous Droits Réservés

Hébert Logerie est l’auteur de deux nouveaux recueils de poèmes: “Monts et Vallées de l’Amour’ (en Français) et ‘Mounts and Valleys of Love” (en Anglais).

/www2.xlibris.com/bookstore/bookdisplay.aspx? bookid=58359

Our Love for Haiti…

Our love for Haiti

Remains steadfastly unconditional.

Our love for this beloved country

Remains obviously emotional.

For a quarter of a century,

The others did not do too much,

For this yesteryear paradise island.

For more than a dozen years,

The incompetent and spurious leaders,

The opponents and the exiled ones

Also ruled this precious piece of land.

So far, no significant improvement…

Corruption, theft, poverty,

Kidnappings, death, mismanagement

Lies, excuses and misery …

This is not the hell that our forefathers died for…

I can tell you more, I can prove you more.

God Almighty, there is a constant and eternal search

For real leadership, unlike the bad ones

That we have had unfortunately over the last centuries.

We are tired of seeing Haiti among the poorest countries.

Our love for Haiti

Is sadly emotional.

Our love for this poverty stricken country

Remains simply unconditional.

Copyright© January 2010, Hebert Logerie, All Rights Reserved

Hébert Logerie is the author of two new poetry books: “Monts et Vallées de l’Amour’ (in French) and ‘Mounts and Valleys of Love” (in English).

/www2.xlibris.com/bookstore/bookdisplay.aspx? bookid=5

