
Showing posts from August 8, 2010

Wyclef's Presidency Bid

Wyclef's presidency bid Par Hebert Logerie Brothers and Sisters, Please give W.J. a chance. Do not understimate his abilities. I hate to put it like that: Didn't we have a teenager as President for life? We had so many others... let me stop right there. I understand your concerns and anxieties; your love for W.J. and for Haiti. We should stop what we are doing. Let's wait and see. Let's test the man. Please give him a chance. He had nothing at one point, right now he is doing better than all of us. It is true that he is the microphone. I am not being sarcastic, W.J. is our M.J.(Michael Jackson). We can write, articulate and maybe think better than W.J.; but he is still doing better than all of us. Let the others declare their candidacies and let see if they are going to be on CNN. Nobody will hear about them because they will be CaNoNo. Wyclef is brave, gutsy and dedicated. Please be patient, wait and see and give him a chance. Please enjoy my poems. H.L. P.S. We all L...

Candidats Inscrits pour les élections de novembre 2010

Jean-Junior Joseph, photo ci-contre (source de cette liste) Nous l'en remercions Candidats Inscrits pour les élections de novembre 2010 Source Jean-Junior Joseph A noter que le Dr Guy Théodore n'est pas sur la liste alors qu'il est représenté parmi les candidats photographiés. Pour vous dire que les photos ne sont tout à fait representatives de la véracité des faits 1. Yves Christallin (Ministre des affaires sociales et du travail) Parti « Organizasyon Lavni » (LAVNI) 2. Yvon Neptune, Parti « Ayisyen pou Ayiti » 3. Mirlande Hyppolite Manigat, Secrétaire générale du RDNP, Parti « Rassemblement des Démocrates Nationaux Progressistes» (RDNP), 4. Jean Chavannes Jeune (pasteur), Parti « Alliance chrétienne citoyenne pour la reconstruction d'Haïti» 5. Axan Delson Abellard, Parti « Konbit Nasyonal pour Devlopman » (KNDA), 6. Me Jean Henry Céant, Parti « Renmen Ayiti », 7. René St-Fort, Parti « Parti Réformiste National » (PRN), 8. Wilson Jeudy (maire de Delmas), Regroupement ...